Our purpose-built technology facilities provide learning experiences in Food, Hard Materials & Design technology. 

Our students learn the correct processes in order to create a solution for an authentic need. This process includes learning knowledge, researching, developing skills, being creative and producing and evaluating the final outcome. Year 7 students attend the Technology Centre one day per week for half a year and rotate around the three technology rooms every six weeks. Students choose 2 out of the 3 options in Year 8.

We service the technology needs of other local primary schools, catering for over 400 Year 7 & 8 students from Waitakere, Huapai, Riverhead,  Timatanga, Whenuapai and Waimauku Schools. 

Our teaching staff have extensive knowledge in their specialist areas, allowing them to offer students a depth of technology education that is engaging and motivating. The workshops are well resourced and offer students access to a wide range of materials. 

Check out the Ruru Website for more information.