Our school is in a beautiful setting but on a busy road - the start and end of the day need to be managed by staff to ensure the safety of everyone. Please read the details below.

At the end of the day children can be travel home using the following options:

1) Collection at the Bus Bay

2) Collection outside the classroom

3) Collection from the rear carpark

4) Walking home.

Students cannot be dismissed into the playground and wait to be collected.

Bus Bay

Our Technology Centre has pupils arriving from other schools by bus. The buses must have instant access to the Bus Bay.  Parents should use this as a drop off zone... but please do not park and leave your car as this causes frustration for the bus drivers and for other parents who cannot get kerb access to drop off or collect their children.

The bus bay, the area outside the Library, is extremely busy between 3.00pm and 3.15 pm. A teacher is on duty to supervise this area. If you pick up your child or children from this spot we ask that you follow these instructions exactly.

Bus bay pick up - end of the day

Only use the bus bay for pick up if you can be a quick pick up, if you need to strap your children in please arrange pick up from the lower car park where you can take your time to do this.

Move forward  - When the line is moving well it is important to move forward and only have children enter your car if you are the first three in the line. Do not encourage your children to come to you if you are back further in the line. If the duty teacher sees that it is OK for them to enter further down the line we will give the children the go ahead, but they need to wait for permission.

A teacher will supervise the bus bay until 3.15pm.

Avoid coming to the bus bay pick up before 2:50pm, this is causing the queue to form very early and is a part of the inconvenience for other road users. The bus bay will be closed until 2:50 pm.

Cycling to School

In the interest of safety all students 10 years and over need to have the written permission of the Principal to cycle to school. This process will involve a bicycle safety and helmet check, road safety lesson and practical test.

Supervised Crossing

This is at the top of the hill, leading down Waitakere Road - children who cross at this point must wait for the duty teacher to give them permission to cross the road. Children must come to this gate no later than 8:45 in the morning and 3.10pm in the afternoon.