Celebrating 125 Years in 2024

Click here if you would like to attend the event 

Email stories to this address - 125years@taupaki.school.nz


This year Taupaki School celebrates 125 years since it first opened back in 1899 - growing from a tiny schoolhouse to a thriving hub of culture, innovation and community spirit.

We think this milestone deserves a party, and we’d love you to come along and share this day with us. We’re inviting everyone in the Taupaki community, our students' families, our students from the past and everyone who has contributed to the wonderful place that is Taupaki School.

Join us for a fun afternoon of memories, shared stories and activities from times gone by. Plus the chance to add your own memories to the rich tapestry of the Taupaki School Story.

Classes will be open with historical content from 2:00pm followed by celebration activities. Light refreshments will also be provided and food can be purchased at the event.

To let us know you’re interested, or for  more information please visit taupaki.school.nz